
oil on wood, 12x12"

Negroni, original artwork by Mike Geno

From the Foodie series.

This is perhaps my very favorite cocktail, at least for the last couple years it has been.  The negroni cocktail is traditionally made with equal parts gin, vermouth rosso, and Campari, served on the rocks and garnished with an orange slice or peel.

It's been documented  since the late 1940's and claims much earlier.  I found evidence that traditional Italians serve this on several small (what was once normal-sized) cubes and my favorite drink wizzard, Mike Landers validated this claim and exclaimed "yeah small rocks and I love the sinker!" ... he liked that i submerged the orange slice, rather than get fancy with it.  

I drink this all year long, but it's especially refreshing in the warmer months with its perfect balance of sweet and bitter and 100% spirits, until the smaller cubes gradually mellow it out as you sip it.  

Origin: Italy

Price: $800

Additional Image:

Additional Image of Negroni, original artwork by Mike Geno

Detail View:

Detail View of Negroni, original artwork by Mike Geno