Montes de Alcala curado pimenton

oil on wood, 8x8"

Montes de Alcala curado pimenton, original artwork by Mike Geno

This beautiful aged goat's milk cheese is from the farm El Gazul in the Cadiz region of Spain. The organic milk comes from an endangered breed of Payoya goats. The wheels are aged for a minimum of 90 days after they are rubbed and coated with pimentón de la vera, the unique spicy-smokey Spanish pepper which gives it just a slight amount of heat.

I am especially grateful to get this into the studio as it was a gift from Will Imre, a friend at Pondini, where they import this exclusively to the U.S. It's absolutely delicious.

Country of Origin: Spain

Availability: sold

Detail View:

Detail View of Montes de Alcala curado pimenton, original artwork by Mike Geno